Predictive Analytics - Spotbowl
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the big game’s best spots, as voted on by you.

The data scientists at Pavone Group and WildFig have created a proprietary algorithm that analyzes each spot – from humor to heartstrings to A-list celebrity star power – to predict how each ad will rank in the SpotBowl poll. Learn more about our predictive analytics tool and the thinking behind it.

Leaderboard Top 3
  1. Big Men on Cul-de-Sac
  2. The Other David
  3. Call of the Mustaches

Predictive Analytics

Data-Driven Insights

Good marketing lives and dies by the quality of the data and analytics behind it. That’s why Pavone Group and the team at WildFig uses data and analytics in every campaign we create. We also know that a commercial isn’t effective unless it creates action. But what if we could predict how effective a commercial will be?

With the newest SpotBowl feature, we’re one step closer to making that power a reality. It’s called predictive analytics.

Categories and Modifiers

Predictive analytics based on four general categories helps predict consumer reactions about each commercial. Through research, we have identified four specific qualities that individuals use to determine an ad’s reliability: Humor, Emotional Appeal, Visual Impact, and Relatability. These primary groups were then compared to modifiers such as animals or celebrities, and cross-examined into similar brand categories like automobiles or food & beverage products to create a score for each commercial.


This approach utilizes machine learning and statistical techniques to forecast behavior and trends, providing valuable insights for marketing strategies. By combining emotional and rational approaches, advertisers can craft balanced messaging that engages consumers emotionally while informing them about the product. For smaller brands, focusing on unique emotional triggers that resonate with specific target audiences can be particularly effective.


Emotional advertising has been shown to outperform rational advertising in terms of profitability and brand recall, increasing sales by up to 23% compared to average ads. To maximize effectiveness, it’s crucial to ensure that emotional content matches the ad’s claims to enhance memory effects. Additionally, using predictive analytics can guide marketing strategies and inform business decisions across various industries.